
I provide therapy and support for a range of issues. Generally, I meet with clients once per week, although depending on your needs, we may decide to meet more or less often. Sessions usually run for 50 minutes for my one hour sessions with the initial session scheduled as a double session lasting for 1 hour and 40 minutes. This initial double sessions allows ample time for us to discuss your basic history and devise a personalized treatment plan for you.

I work with some clients very short term, to resolve a specific issue, help build skills in a particular area, or to offer support and guidance during a transitional period. With other patients, we work for much longer. Your needs and goals guide the course of the counseling duration and approach.

I work with adolescents, adults, the elderly and I also provide couples counseling.


I treat individuals with hypnosis for both general and specific reasons. Some clients want to use hypnosis for general relaxation, to decrease stress or anxiety, to increase joy or well-being, or for more control over the mind-body-spirit interaction. Others request hypnosis for a more focused cause such as to improve the outcome of a medical problem or surgery, to deal with public speaking, taking an exam, to overcome a specific fear or phobia, manage weight loss, or something else entirely.

For hypnosis services you will generally see me for 4-6 sessions depending on the issue. I will record your hypnosis session in almost all cases. Also, I will often teach you self-hypnosis techniques that are quick, effective and these can be used anytime throughout the day. Please know that I design my hypnotic inductions specifically for you.

Education includes Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis from The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis